July 7 – 11, 2025
Blog Post
Due Friday, July 12:
Reflect on the feedback you received this week and last week. How will you incorporate this feedback into your project? Was there any feedback that you were given that was unexpected?
Monday, July 7
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Bertrand Library Lab (025)
Visit from the Gettysburg College Digital Humanities Fellowship students!
- Elevator Pitch workshop with Jason Snyder, Ben Hoover, and Eyoel Delessa
- Lunch (from Panera, provided by L&IT)
- Project sharing
- Field trip to get ice cream
Tuesday, July 8
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Wildcard Workshop: More about timelines!
- Writing Alt-Text for Images
- W3 Schools HTML reference
- W3 Schools CSS reference
- Inline CSS Styles (how to add styles inside an HTML tag)
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Independent work time
- Making and Presenting Effective Research Posters workshop (appetizers and treats starting at 4:00pm)
“Learn to make attractive research posters at effectively present them at conferences” with Librarian Carrie Pirmann
Wednesday, July 9
Draft presentation
Due by Tuesday, July 15th:
Prepare a full draft of your presentation to give during our practice presentations next week. This should be a mostly complete, timed version of your 15-minute final presentation. It does not have to be the final version, but you should have enough ready to effectively practice in front of the group for feedback.
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Presenting your research workshop with Brandon Karcher (Manager, Instructional Technology)
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Independent work time
- Campus-wide summer research ice cream social! Everyone is welcome for frozen treats, cookies, and candy.
Thursday, July 10
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Individual check-ins with Carrie and Ilse
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Independent work time
- Considering Graduate School panel (appetizers and treats starting at 4:00pm)
“Is graduate school for you? Having conducting research makes you an attractive candidate for graduate schools? Learn how and when to consider graduate school” with Professor Wendy Wright, Sarah Bell, Margaret Marr, and recent graduate school applicants.
Friday, July 11
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Accessibility peer review with Dr. Ross’s research team
- Bring headphones to chat over Zoom!
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, HMHC 113
- Independent work time